Suburban neighborhoods are a dominant type of human land use. Many housing regions globally rely on septic systems, rather than sanitary sewers, for wastewater management....
Life history theory predicts trade-offs between reproductive effort and maternal survivorship in energy-restricted environments. However, empirical evidence for the...
In honor of Father’s Day, Yale University has produced a podcast, “Anthropology of Dad,” to find out just how come so many Yale anthropologists research fatherhood? Listen to...
In honor of Father’s Day, let’s see what Yale Anthropologists have to say about dads in their ongoing research. Dr. Richard Bribiescas is a principal investigator of...
In honor of Father’s Day, let’s see what Yale Anthropologists have to say about dads in their ongoing research. Dr. Eduardo Fernandez-Duque talks about his research...
The new paper, published in the American Journal of Human Biology, assesses changes in the diurnal rhythm of cortisol with age among the Ache, an indigenous population of...
“All over Latin America, indigenous populations are rapidly changing their lifestyle. This work elaborates on the complex experience of indigenous people in transition....